
Winding down by spinning up…

Another long day at work, It is becoming something of a trend, but it’s one of those “power through it” weeks with a lot happening on a tight deadline. It’s fun to back in the middle of things, it’s so been worth the effort. On the even brighter side, my current project has given me lots of excuses to blow off meetings.

Tonight to help deal with what’s going on I threw the mountain bike in the back of the Land Rover and went to Lord Hill Park for an hour of riding. It was a beautiful evening for it, the sun was filtering through the clouds and my outlook is helped by the world looking pretty damn good today. It’s my first time going up and down hill like this in a while, it’s beautiful to have such a great riding place so close, I need to do this more regularly. Playing in the mud is way more fun than the gym and less frustrating than getting my arse kicked playing tennis.


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