The open promise to keep “business taxes as low as possible” is a pointless waste of good paper and does nothing to help Labours’ dwindling credibility on the economy.
Dave Kean
The best place in the world is here and now
browsing category: Politics
May 7th could dawn with the same optimism we felt when New Labour swept aside the Tory old guard and promised us a new tomorrow.
Having spent most of the last month in London has been rather tough at times, however feeding my ongoing interest of British
If neither party have a majority in the House of Commons all of a sudden Nick Clegg and the Lib-Dems become both the major parties best friend. Heading into the election the Lib-Dems have 63 seats in parliament and won 22% of the vote in the 2005 election.
Just six years ago Bush talked about a new wave of space exploration that was designed in part to make NASA relevant
In early 1984 McGregor announced the closure of 20 mines and the loss of 20,000 jobs. The reason given was to rationalize the public subsidy given to the industry by closing the most unprofitable pits.
Arguably John Smiths biggest single contribution to making the Labour party relevant was getting rid of the trade union block votes and despite considerable trade union opposition establishing a policy of "one-member, one-vote".
"The universal values which are in force in Europe, and which are fundamental values of Christianity, will lose vigour with the entry of a large Islamic country such as Turkey.”
“We have a government that has completely failed to make a cogent case for this war or convince us that it has a strategy worthy of the sacrifices being made.”
After the ratification of the Lisbon treaty by the Czech Republic Europe has taken another step towards a United States of Europe