Physically the toughest day so far, I’d never have thought that spending a couple of hours on the sofa watching the Sounders give Red Bull a good thrashing would take it out of me like this, but it did.
I awoke with a murderous headache, two vicodin and a couple of glasses of water took the edge off and I went back to sleep this morning. Couple of hours later I awoke again, felt marginally better, the worst of the headache was gone, but I could not see straight. The world was very blurred, this was on the “if this happens call me now” list of bad stuff.
So, no panic but straight off to the doctors office. Turns out some of the post operative swelling is putting pressure on my right eye, distorting the eyeball and making life interesting. So some really nice prescription antihistamines that knocked me out for a few hours tonight.
Got up, returned a couple of calls and while the pain is still there, it’s dulled somewhat and I feel much better. Still not able to focus well enough to drive, but could blow the text size up on my computer and make out the caller ID on my phone, and that’s way better than this morning.
This has been a rough day, unquestionably the roughest day post-op.
When I went through this last time I’d take time to wander around the UW, it’s next to the doctors and today I was determined to do so again, as bad as I felt there was something therapeutic about getting out into the sun for 10 minutes. I was a little unsteady, but wandering around the quiet campus was important today. I needed to show myself (and to some extent those around me) some progress today, it’s been a tough one.
And then on top of that, on the way home I got phone call from the State Patrol who asked a couple of general and then rather pointed questions, I think you can guess who that involves. I’ll deal with it next week. It’s been a day and once again I have the best support group ever.
After five days the swelling and bruising is much better, the pain and discharge are still there, but it’s progress.